Thursday, January 31, 2008

"The Puritans"

The Puritans believed that everyone was born a sinner. They believed that God did not just save eveyone, but rather only certain people. Those who were saved asked for God's grace and honored Him. Everyone else went to hell. God 's grace couldnt be earned or denied. It was freely given. Those that were chosen by God had the power to interpret His will. If anyone rejected the grace of God, he or she would be dishonoring his will, thus going to hell.

When the Puritans safely approached the land, they fell to their knees, thanking God. To Apostle and his shipwrecked company, the savage barbarians showed them no greeting. Instead, Apostle was met with an army full of arrows. Since it was winter, they knew it was dangerous to travel to unknown places. When they got there, no one was in site to help them with their beaten bodies. This was because they had no friends to welcome them nor inns to entertain or refresh their weather-beaten bodies.

In terms of how the How they got treated, i wouldnt want anything like that to happen to me. I couldnt live in the environment they was living on. Some people got thrown over the ship and the bad thing about that was, that they didnt do anything. That's not the life i want to live.

When the indians came around and the puritans was around, the indians would run away because they were scared. But one indian by the name Samoset wasn't afraid and stayed his ground and spoke to them in broken english and starting telling them about the state of the country in the east parts where he lived, and showed them how to raise corn. The Indians and puritans came together and helped each other out with things.

God "saves" those he wishes - only a few are selected for salvation. I don't think that is true. I think God save thoses that ask for forgiviness when they need it and thoses that pray. Nobodies prefect so everyone is going to do something they didn't mean to and ask for forgiviness. In other terms, God saves who ever wants to be saved. Jesus died for the chosen only, not for everyone. Irresistible Grace - God's grace is freely given, it cannot be earned or denied. Grace is defined as the saving and transfiguring power of God. Jesus didn't die for chosen only, he died for everyone. Who exactly is the chosen? I don't kno. And i'm pretty sure they don't know who is they chosen one.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Chasing Destiny" Summary 1

So for the book has been about a man by the name Keith breaks up with his girlfriend Billie, to go back to his wife Carmen. Just when he was about to break up with her, that's when Billie told him she was pregnant by him. He was going back to his wife because if he didn't he was going to lose alot of money towards her and their child. Destiny had met some guys while at the mall waithing on her dad. They left the mall together and Destiny had to go over to her grandparent's house for the night. Instead of Destiny staying at her grandparent's house she snuck out and waited for the boys she met at the mall to come get her. Just when they got there, some girls that was already with the boys started talking about her and that caused her to beat up the Chinese/Black girl. After that they all dipped and left the Chinese/Black girl on the ground in pain and they went to the hotel to have fun. They gave her something to drink and she passed out and woke up the next morning in the hotel and no one was in site that was there the night before.