Monday, March 31, 2008

Summary 1 on Diary of a Street Diva

The name of the book i am reading now is called "Diary of a Street Dive". In the beginning it starts talking about a how a man is feeling and he feels along like their is no one in the word he could trust, because his wife has died. The book doesn't tell how Remy the wife has died yet. Cease is the husband and he is a thug. He goes inside his wife empty room where she spent her time writing her book on her life, which she had a very rough one.

Cease find his wife Remy book under her pillow and opened it in the middle and read a little bit of her book. After he got done read that page he close the book and wanted to read more of her life because she never really told him about a pass, he knew she had an unhappy pass. Then his friend chrip him to come outside cause he had to be in court. Cease went to court for the death of his wife. When he got back home from the courtroom he open the book from the beginning and started reading it. When he was reading the book, he mention to hisself he remember her telling him that she use to be a stripper but he didnt know the men treated her how he was reading it. He wanted to beat the dudes that were in her diary Remy was talking about but he know he wouldn't have knew who they were. She was in a all girls group home and got the fighting with some girls that tried to accuse her(Remy) for stealing a watch. Remy roommate (Shay) jumped in the fight cause two girls was trying to jump her.

The day Remy had got to fighting with those girls, she asked Shay why she jumped in because they wasnt cool. That day and on they were cool and always had each other back. When Remy was two years old her mother packed her bags and left and her father. When she was in the first grade her daddy molested her and told her that he love her and it was their little secrete. When she was at school someone finally took notice because a first grader was bleeding like a grown woman because of her father. Remy was telling her story to a girl name Shay who she shared her room with in a all girls group home. Remy knew when she told Shay that most inner secrete she could trust her.

Out on a free day, Shay had her friend pick them up and they went back to a dude name Ant place. Remy and Ant started talking and he came and picked her up everytime she had her free day. And Remy had started stealing his money, and he had found out and him and his boys took her to someone garage and raped her.

Scenario!! (2nd one)

2. Chris, a college senior, has just been accepted to the best law school in the country. His parents, Sheila, his wife, and his brothers and sisters are very excited for Chris since he has wanted to become a lawyer for his entire life. Chris isn't so excited though. He has realized that he would rather be a high school teacher than be a lawyer. Chris would have to go back to school to get his teaching certificate.
Chirs' wife is not exactly thrilled with this idea since she has been looking forward to the salary Chris would make as a lawyer. With Chris' new plan, she would have to pay for Chris' additional schooling.

In a situation like this, i would choose the one that i really want to do the most. He went to college for law and then he's a senior about to graduate. And if he choose to become a teacher, then he would have to go back to school to get his teaching certificate. Doing that is more money being spent on books and for taking the class, which his wife probably will have to help pay for. The best thing i think he should do is just go a head and become a lawyer. Being a lawyer he will get paid more money than a teacher. I think in situations like this people should do what make's the more money and not less. He can be a lawyer for a year or two and if he don't like it, then maybe he could then go back to school and get his teaching certificate and he might can pay for it hisself from the money he got for when he was a lawyer in that short amount of time.

In this scenario it shows Transcendentalist by him wanting to do something where he see's the environment all the time. He probably was around people that teached a lot and caught his eye and made him want to become a teacher. Maybe God was speaking to him through his head and putting it in his mind that he might want to become a teacher.

-Believed God spoke through peope mind and their hard work.

"Resistance to Civil Government" by Henry David Thoreau

Men will some day be able to have a government that does not govern at all. The only time the government is useful is when it is stepped aside. Thoreau writes,"I think we should be men first, and subjects afterward." I think what he meant by this was that, they should grow into becoming grown men first before they start anything else. Some legislators and politicians don't put moral sense first and the one's that do are known as the enemies. He says that a person does not have a duty to eliminate wrongs. He say, "If I devote myself to other pursuits and contemplations, I must first see, at least, that I do not pursue them sitting on another man's shoulders." This is based on, he don't want to put his dirty and wrong work on another man's shoulder, he would rather it be put on his shoulders.

Thoreau writes, "If I have unjustly wrested a plank from a drowning man, I must restore it to him though I drown myself." When he wrote this part, i think God probably got into him to think wisely about his decisions and how he would react to them and take the blame upon hisself. "A wise man will not leave justice to the chance of a majority vote." When this was said it was a good, he thought voting was something that was important to do really in others words to me, he was saying it was a waste of time because it wasn't actin as justice.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson

After reading Self Reliance what stood out to me the most was the line: " To be great is to be misunderstood", and "Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string." I also liked that Emerson believed in the highest mind transcending destiny. He believed that everyone should not be pinched in a corner, cowardly fleeing before a revolution. To me Emerson means everyone must be strong minded as well as stand up for what they believe in. A person has to trust him/herself and not let anyone else influence their decisions. When Emerson says that being great is related to being misunderstood, he means that some individuals are extrememly intelligent and therefore cannot communicate their philosophies or their ideas to others in a way that others will comprehend. Therefore, these individuals are misunderstood by people who are not willing to learn to understand them and accept their ideas.

Everyone should be self relient, connecting themselves with God and his teachings. When the highest mind transcends destiny, Emerson believes that God will speak to him through his mind.
The individual mind was connected to all others through what was known as the "oversoul", a collection of everyone's soul that we all share.
Transcendentalists believed that God spoke through people's minds and their hard work

Monday, March 24, 2008

"Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man who feels alone looking towards to stars, he reads and write as no one is with him. In the book it also reads that few people don't see nature. They don't see the sun, but the sun shines into the eye and the heart of a child. I don't believe people is really paying attention to nature when it is in their face, they don't try to see it. "In the woods, we return to reason and faith," i think by this it is saying that someone being in the woods can see their reasons for being there and find their faith by communicating with God and relize that they are not alone. "Nature always wears colors of the spirits". I think nature is made up of spirit helping people get away from their peoblems and help them keep a open minded and free spirits, don't let anything bring you down.

So far in this story it is talking about a man in nature that relates to transcendenlist. "The rays that come from those heavenly worlds will separate between him and what he touches." To me this sentence means, what God speaks is separating him from touching what ever it is that he will touch. They also believed that God could communicate to people through nature and a persons intuition.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The picture was showing beautiful nature. The artist was imagining a heaven-like place. This picture is showing his imagination and individual thoughts representing romanticism.

The picture is about someone reflecting on their emotions in the beautiful natural scenery. The artist is imagining a peaceful environment. It's how the artist views nature and represents his peaceful state of mind and serene emotional state. This is Romantisicm because the artist is not depending on his logic or reason to paint what nature really looks like, but rather, he is demonstrating another sense of beauty coming from his imagination, or rather another aspect of realism in his mind.


-emotion and individualism.

Monday, March 17, 2008

"The Ropewalk"

The Ropewalk sounds romantic to me because he is saying he can picture fair maiden swinging on a rope looking beautiful. People appreciating their life. When the lady was pulling up water from the web and was looking at her reflection in the water. There was a boy flying his kite. These images portray romanticism because they are trying to find the meaning of life. They are experiencing and exploring nature, not just focusing on reason and logic.


What's romantic about this poem was that life still goes on when someone dies. When someone is put in the ground, they are growing into a tree, sand, and grass anything. As students in class was saying, the man was talking about mother nature. "She has a voice of gladness, and a smile and eloquence of beauty, and she glides into his darker musings, with a mild and gentle sympathy, that steals away their sharpness, ere he is aware". In the beginning of the poem, it's a happy mode then it gets into the middle a little bit and get's sad like someone has died. When someone dies, everyone would go back to their self and live a happy life like nothing really happened. "The gay will laugh, when thou art gone, the solemn brood of care plod on, and each one as before will chase his favourite phantom". The people probably know that who ever dies that they know are not coming back so why should they be sad for the rest of their life. Live happy and live everyday like it was your last day. Live life to the fullest.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

American Romanitism

Rip Van Winkle. He was a descendant of the Van Winkles who figured so gallantly in the brave days of Peter Stuyvesant. He was a good natural man and he was a kind neighbor, and obedient husband. I think Rip Van Winkle should have stayed in his business more than he stay in others. I see he cared about the people but he should have cared about how his farm look and his kids. He should not have had his kids going around looking like they belong to anyone, that makes him looks bad, he should have been taking better care of his kids.

His wife constantly told him that he need to doing something and stop acting like he didnt care for anything. Everytime his wife would lecture to him, he would shrugg his shoulders and shook his head like he was listening to her, but he really wasn't. I don't think he should treat his wife like that, he should be listening to her like a husband is suppose to do.

I wonder how can Rip Van Winkle stay asleep so long without anyone checking to see if he was alright, if he was dead or alive. When he wake up his wife is dead, everyone in the village dont look the same and the whole environment around him is different because he was sleeping so long. The people was new to seeing cause he didnt know who they were. The people that had lived there when he wasnt sleep were all gone. I dont understand why would you want to sleep so long, missing out on how your kids would turn out, missing out on their childhood days. And your wife death, that has to be depressing for him, then again he probably wouldn't care since he never listened to what ever she had to say to him.

Writing Three!!

When I leave Classic City High School, I want to go to college to become a cosmetologist and also take a business class so I can maybe open up my own business containing my own salon. The classes I take at Classic City do not have anything to do with being a cosmetologist neither business. Well, I have already taken a few classes at Cedar Shoals that will benefit me when I was in the 10th and 11th grade. My goals here are to work very hard and finish up with all my work on time.
A cosmetologist is anyone performing manicures, hair cutting, styling, shampooing, makeup or other cosmetology services. Cosmetologists help their clients improve on or acquire a certain look with the right hairstyle and hair coloring, manicured nails or other things. Cosmetologists get paid very well, something I would like the most. Cosmetologists are people-oriented and must be able to inspire the confidence of those they service. Cosmetologists must keep on top of the latest styles and trends in hair fashion and beauty techniques.
In order for me to become a cosmetologist I have to maintain a high school diploma or a GED. I would have to check the licensing requirement in Georgia. Enroll in an accredited cosmetology or vocational school. Visit some of the schools to see which one offers the most combinations of classrooms and practical training. Look for internships at a salon that I can apply for to earn me a course credit. Be preparing for the state examination, which will be provided after graduation. After all of that is done, look through my school or which ever school I would be attending to for a job.
Albany Technical College is a school I think I would like to attend. On the web-site it looks to be a good school for cosmetology. It is close to home, because I don’t want to go too far, because I think I could get hurt. There are some crazy people in this world that would do anything to hurt someone. While going to my car or maybe my home, someone can snatch me or something. Albany also provides a Hope Scholarship, Hope Grant, and Hope for students that completed GED and so on. Uniforms are requiring if you are in the health programs and cosmetology. The tuition for a part-time student is $36/credit hour, activity fee is $16, registration fee is $26, student insurance is $4, and technical fee is $35. For full-time student its tuition is $432 and the same price for activity, registration, student insurance, and technical fee’s are all the same and that make its total for full-time $513. This is the tuition fee at Albany Technical College.
When I go to college, I also want to take a business class(s), so later on after I have learned everything there is to know about becoming a cosmetologist, I can end up with a business of my own. Instead of me working for someone else I can work for myself and make my own money. Having my own business would make me a lot more money than working for someone. My own business mean my friends and I could decorate the salon how ever we want to. Have things going our way and no one telling us what to do and when to do it.
Most of my friends and family I hang with, like to do hair also and we all want to go to school for hair. We came up with an idea that we can open up our own salon and in order to do that, at least one of us has to know about business. It would be better if we all knew about business, so we wouldn’t make any mistakes. I think if we all worked together and depend on each other and be helpful, we would do a good job in having our own business.
What I wrote above contains what I need and what I want to do to become a cosmetologist and own my own business. I think the reason I really wanted to be a cosmetologist, is because my mother does hair and I was always around her when ever she did someone hair and I also picked up my uniqueness for doing hair from her. Becoming a cosmetologist I would say, I want to finish what my mother started but also going all the way with succeeding in it. Doing hair excites me and makes me want to do what ever with people hair but making it look nice and making the costumer feel good about their self.