Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Beowulf Dies!

The way that Beowulf died was probably painful for him to get bit by a huge dragon. The way that he dies i really don't like. He was a good man and i thought he should have been able to still live. He could have just had an injury and retire from fighting things, let one of the warrior take his place. Well hearing that Beowulf was a old man trying to fight a dragon. He should have stayed at home or something. It wasn't his fight to fight the dragon since he didn't steal the dragon gold. "Then the terrible dragon third time rushed,hot and battle-grim. He bit Beowulf's neck with sharp tusks--Beowulf was wet with life's blood;blood gushed in waves." Maybe he deserved to die and it was his time to go since He thought he could fight everything. Maybe he thought he was that young Beowulf that no one could defeat in a fight and he finally found his match maker and got hisself killed over something he didnt have anything to do with.

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